jueves, 25 de marzo de 2021


Thursday 25th March 2021


Today we are going to finish working in our reading books with some activities about them.

We will also use this time to select another book from the library. Remember you have to do another Book Review like the one you did for Christmas.

If you don´t have the copy of the document you can download it from this link:

Book Review Template


Read the book you took from the Library and write a Review

Practice for the external Evaluations KET /PET for schools in the following links

KET for schools:


PET for Schools:



Thursday 25th March 2021

We start a new unit of Social Science today. After checking your cover pages, we glue the bilingual dictionary on the back.

We have a look at the pictures on pages 86 and 87. We read the captions and do activities 1, 2 and 3 in the notebook.


Finish activities 1, 2 and 3 page 87 in your notebook.

Pay attention to the news these days.
You are going to hear many references about Spain's political system.

Use these days to walk in Madrid and visit some official buildings mentioned in this unit.


Jueves 25 de marzo de 2021

Terminamos de comentar las actividades que nos quedaron pendientes del lunes sobre la justicia y la solidaridad y sobre el plan para ser más justos.

A continuación hacemos el Taller de Filosofía de la página 59.

miércoles, 24 de marzo de 2021


Wednesday 24th March 2021


Today we are trying the Listening component of a PET for Schools Sample Test. This will help us experience the different level of proficiency required for B1.

Here you can read the description of Cambridge PET for Schools test,

PET for Schools test (en español)

After holidays we will be practicing both level A2 and  level B1 sample tests. You can find out more about PET and KET tests in these links

Explicación KET for schools  en español


Explicación PET for Schools en español



Wednesday 24th March 2021

6ºB don't have a Science lesson on Wednesdays.

6ºA will finish revising the timeline of Spanish History. We watch the videos we could not finish yesterday and do some interactive activities to check our knowledge.


Create a nice cover page for unit 5. Spain's Political System.

Don't forget to include Objectives

6º A

                            Finish activities 1, 2 and 3 page 87 in your notebook.

martes, 23 de marzo de 2021


Tuesday 23rd March 2021


 6ºB will take a Sample Test of KET for Schools (level A2): Reading and writing (60 minutes) and Listening (30 minutes).

We will be using the first two sessions in the morning.

6ºA   correct homework from last week.

Answer Key AB page 75

Answer Key CB page 85

Answer Key AB page 78

Answer Key AB Page 79

We will also work on CB page 84 to practice for the Speaking component of external evaluation.

At the same time, those students who did not take the speaking test for Unit 6, will go out and take it with Myriam or Francesca.


Tuesday 23rd March 2021

6ºB will use our lesson today to practice a KET for School Examination.

6ºA are going to have a look at the history of Spain using the timeline we can see in pages 84 and 85 from the book.

We can remember some of the main events that took place in our territory and the different civilizations that inhabited it throughout time.

These videos can help us remember what we have studied about History in the last four years:

This video is in Spanish and it is a little longer. 


We can also practice what we know using some interactive worksheets from our SOCIAL SCIENCE 6º workbook.

HOMEWORK (For Thursday)

Create a nice cover page for unit 5. Spain's Political System.

Don't forget to include Objectives

lunes, 22 de marzo de 2021


Monday 22nd March 2021


This last week of the second term we are going to practice for the external evaluations planned for May or June. We just knew about them last week and we still don't know if they are going to be done by Cambridge (KET or PET) like in previous years or if they will be different. 

What we do know is that they are aimed at proving that our students have achieved a good foundation in learning English using CEFR levels A2 and B1.

 6ºA  will take a Sample Test of KET for Schools (level A2): Reading and writing (60 minutes) and Listening (30 minutes).

We will be using the first two sessions in the morning.

6ºB  will do it tomorrow.

Today we correct homework from last week.

Answer Key AB page 75

Answer Key CB page 85

Answer Key AB page 78

Answer Key AB Page 79

We will also work on CB page 84 to practice for the Speaking component of external evaluation.

At the same time, those students who did not take the speaking test for Unit 6, will go out and take it with Myriam or Francesca.


Monday 22nd March 2021

6ºA will use our lesson today to practice a KET for School Examination.

6ºB are going to have a look at the history of Spain using the timeline we can see in pages 84 and 85 from the book.

We can remember some of the main events that took place in our territory and the different civilizations that inhabited it throughout time.

These videos can help us remember what we have studied about History in the last four years:

This video is in Spanish and it is a little longer. 


We can also practice what we know using some interactive worksheets from our SOCIAL SCIENCE 6º workbook.


Lunes 22 de marzo de 2021

Hoy trabajamos los valores de justicia y solidaridad desde el presente. Páginas 56 y 57.
Primero leemos el cuento titulado "La abeja reina".

En la página 58 tenemos un plan de entrenamiento para ser cada vez más justos. Lo leemos detenidamente y lo copiamos con buena letra en nuestro cuaderno.

jueves, 18 de marzo de 2021


Thursday 18th March 2021

First we correct homework from yesterday.

Answer Key AB page 75

While you take the speaking test in pairs, we are going to write a Quiz about some of the contents of Natural Science Unit 4. Fermentation.

Following the models we have seen in the unit (pages 82 and 83) , you have to write a brief introduction about Fermentation and then write four questions with three answers each. Only one answer is correct.

Use the document provided to write your text.

If  you are not in class today you can download it here.

MODEL Template Quiz Fermentation


Do CB page 85 activities 1 and 3 (little paper and clip)

Do AB page 78 activities 1, 2 and 3

Do AB page 79 activities 1,2,3 and 4




Thursday 18th march 2021

We take a test today. NATURAL SCIENCE UNIT 4      MATTER



Read the directions carefully.

Look at the information closely

Think before you answer. 

Check all your answers before giving it back to your teacher.


Keep revising the unit for Plickers on MONDAY

Make sure you have done Interactive Worksheets (Liveworksheets NATURAL SCIENCE 6º)
 pages 43, 44, 45, 46, 47 and 48

Make sure you have done Blinklearning Homework (DIGITAL activities 1 to 10)


Jueves 18 de marzo de 2021

Antes de avanzar, revisamos los últimos pasos del Taller de Filosofía que quedaron pendientes el lunes.

A continuación trabajamos los valores de justicia y solidaridad desde el presente. Páginas 56 y 57.

En la página 58 tenemos un plan de entrenamiento para ser cada vez más justos. Lo leemos detenidamente y lo copiamos con buena letra en nuestro cuaderno.

miércoles, 17 de marzo de 2021


Wednesday 17th march 2021

We take a test today. ENGLISH UNIT 6      What can we do to stay healthy?


Read the directions carefully.

Look at the information closely

Think before you answer. 

Check all your answers before giving it back to your teacher.


Do AB page 75 activities 1, 2 and 3  

Audio 123 act. 1 and 2 AB page 75


Wednesday 17th March 2021

Next we correct homework.

We use the rest of the time to study the glossary words an page 83. 


Study all the chapters  for the test (Thursday)

PLICKERS next Monday

Make sure you have done Interactive Worksheets (Liveworksheets NATURAL SCIENCE 6º)
 pages 43, 44, 45, 46, 47 and 48

Make sure you have done Blinklearning Homework (DIGITAL activities 1 to 10)

martes, 16 de marzo de 2021


Tuesday 16th March 2021

First we correct homework from yesterday

Answer Key AB pages 74. 76

Answer Key AB page 77

We watch the video and answer the questions.

VIDEO Theo's thoughts

After that, we read the quiz on page 83 and do activities 2 and 3 orally. Then we do AB page 76 activities 1 and 3.


Study for the test we have tomorrow.

Remember Vocabulary pages 76 and 78, Grammar AB 126 

Revise the corrections on the Grammar handout.

Do AB page 75 activities 1, 2 and 3  (for  Thursday)

Audio 123 act. 1 and 2 AB page 75


Tuesday 16th March 2021

We study pages 76 and 77 for some minutes. Then we close the book and take a QUIZ. Copy numbers 1 to 5 then write True or False

Next we correct homework.

We use the rest of the time to do activities 1, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8 from Let's revise section (pages 80 and 81).
Study the glossary words an page 83. 

If we have time in 6ºB we correct them today. If not, please, check corrections in the blog tomorrow. 

One of the activities will be included in the test.


Study all the chapters  for the test (Thursday)

Finish activities 1, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8 Let's revise pages 80-81

Make sure you have done Interactive Worksheets (Liveworksheets NATURAL SCIENCE 6º)
 pages 43, 44, 45, 46, 47 and 48

Make sure you have done Blinklearning Homework (DIGITAL activities 1 to 10)

lunes, 15 de marzo de 2021

Monday 15th March 2021

First we correct homework from Thursday.

Answer Key AB page 73 and CB page 81 

Today we are going to read and learn how to write a QUIZ.

We open our CB at page 82. We listen and read the quiz. Then we do activity 2 in AB page 74.

AUDIO 122 page 82

After that, we read the quiz on page 83 and do activities 2 and 3 orally. Then we do AB page 76 activities 1 and 3.


Finish AB page 74 act. 2

Finish AB page 76 act 1 and 3.  

Listen to the song and do AB page 77 act 1, 2 and 3.

AUDIO 124 activity 1  Song unit 6


Monday 15th March 2021

We study pages 72 and 73 for some minutes. Then we close the book and take a QUIZ. Copy numbers 1 to 5 then write True or False

First we correct homework.

Today we are going to study a third type of Chemical changes: FERMENTATION.

We listen and read pages 76 and 77

We read both pages again first to ourselves and then aloud taking turns.

We watch this video to understand the process better.

We study pages 76 and 77 for some minutes and then we take a QUIZ


Study all the chapters  for the test (Thursday)

Do activities 1, 2, 4  and 5 pages 76 and 77.

Copy and fill in the CONCEPT MAP of the unit you can find on page 82

Do Interactive Worksheets (Liveworksheets NATURAL SCIENCE 6º) pages 46, 47 and 48

Make sure you have done Blinklearning Homework (DIGITAL activities 1 to 10)


Lunes 15 de marzo de 2021

Hoy continuamos avanzando en el tema de la Felicidad Social.

En la sesión de hoy veremos las páginas 54 y 55.

Las tres claves que nos permiten ser felices_ sentirnos bien, sentirnos queridos y sentir que progresamos_ solo funcionan si vivimos en sociedad.

Debemos preocuparnos por que nuestra sociedad funcione bien; es decir, que sea una sociedad justa. 

A lo largo de la historia ha habido personas que han contribuido de manera notable en la lucha por la justicia: eliminación de esclavitud, igualdad de la mujer, derechos de los trabajadores, derechos de los niños...

Comentamos entre todos la actividad 7 de la página 54 y la 11 del Taller de filosofía (página 55).

Después, cada uno en el cuaderno responde a las cuestiones de la actividad 12 Paso 1. Si da tiempo hacemos el Paso 2  y el Paso 3. Si no, serán el punto de partida de la sesión del jueves.

viernes, 12 de marzo de 2021


Friday 12th March 2021

First we collect the Grammar handout (lesson 3 and Lesson 5).

We take an Irregular Verbs Test.

If you are not in class you can do it as an interactive worksheet. Send it to pazbosque19@gmail.com


We use the remaining time to read our books:

6ºA   The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn                     6ºB  The Adventures of Tom Sawyer.

Remember Homework assigned yesterday.


Read the text about SLEEP (CB page 81) again carefully.

Finish activity 3 in the notebook.

Do activities 1, 2 and 3 AB page 73

Audio 121 act 1 AB page 73


Friday 12th March 2021

First we correct homework.

Today we are going to study another type of Chemical changes. OXIDATION.

We watch these videos to understand oxidation better:

We open our books on pages72 and 73. 

We read both pages again carefully first to ourselves, and then taking turns.

We study pages 70 and 71 for some minutes. Then we close the book and take a QUIZ. Copy numbers 1 to 5 then write the answers


Study the lessons we have seen so far (pages 66-73)

Do activities 1, 2 and 4pages 72 and 73.

Do Blinklearning Homework (DIGITAL activities 1 to 8)

jueves, 11 de marzo de 2021


Thursday 11th March 2021

First we correct homework:

Answer Key AB page 80

Answer Key AB page 72

Answer Key AB page 126 act .1

Answer Key AB page 126 act. 2

Then we open our Class Book page 81. We read an interesting text about Sleep.

AUDIO 120 page 81

We do activities 3 and 4 orally. Then we copy the correct statements of activity 3 in the notebook.

HOMEWORK (For tomorrow)

Study Irregular Verbs.

Photocopy Grammar Revision  Unit 6 page 2.


 (For MONDAY) 

Read the text again carefully.

Finish activity 3 in the notebook.

Do activities 1, 2 and 3 AB page 73

Audio 121 act 1 AB page 73


Thursday 11th March 2021

First we correct homework.

Today we are going to study one type of Chemical changes. COMBUSTION.


We open our books on pages70 and 71. 

We read both pages again carefully first to ourselves, and then taking turns.

We watch this video to understand combustion better.

We study pages 70 and 71 for some minutes. Then we close the book and take a QUIZ. Copy numbers 1 to 5 then write the answers


Study the lessons we have seen so far (pages 66-71)

Do activities 1, 2 and 5 pages 70 and 71.


Jueves 11 de marzo de 2021

Hoy comenzamos una nueva unidad que trata sobre la Felicidad Social.

Miramos la fotografía de la página 51, leemos la introducción y respondemos a las preguntas..
Vemos como el tema está estructurado en:
  •  pasado: Somos seres sociales, la felicidad social y la justicia
  • presente: somos solidarios y justos y entrenamos para ser justos
  • futuro: la justicia y los Objetivos del Milenio.
A continuación trabajamos los contenidos de las páginas 52, 53 y 54. 

miércoles, 10 de marzo de 2021


Wednesday 10th March 2021

First we correct homework:

Answer Key AB page 71

Then we open our Class Book page 80 for a new Grammar Lesson. Today we have a lesson on Reported Speech with questions.

 First we do activity 1 and find other examples of reported speech questions in the story.

Next, we have a a look at the table in activity 2 and read all the examples. We answer the question.

We do activities 3 and 4 orally first. Then you write them in your notebooks.


Finish activities 3 and 4 CB page 80 in the notebook.

Do Activity 2 AB page 126 (Grammar Reference)

Do activities 1, 2 and 3 AB page 72.

AUDIO 119 activity 1 AB page 72


Wednesday 10th March 2021

We will correct homework tomorrow.

We open our books on pages 68 and 69. 

We read both pages again carefully first to ourselves, and then taking turns.

We study pages 68 and 69 for some minutes. Then we close the book and take a QUIZ. Write numbers 1 to 5 than answer A or B.

Next lessons we will study different types of  chemical changes.

To understand better the difference between physical and chemical changes by watching these videos:

Study the chapters seen in the unit.
Watch the videos again to understand the lessons better.
Do interactive activities 43, 44 and 45 (Liveworksheets Natural Science 6º)

Do activities 1, 2 and 3 pages 68 and 69 (For Thursday)

martes, 9 de marzo de 2021


Tuesday 9th March 2021

First we collect your copies about International Women's Day, including your writing.

We open our Class Book pages 78 and 79 and have a look at the new vocabulary words for this unit.

Interactive Activity act. 3

AUDIO 116 activity 2

AUDIO 117 activity 3

Next, we look at the first three frames in the story and answer the questions in activity 4.

Then we listen and read the story

AUDIO 118 story unit 6

We can also watch the video:

VIDEO Story Unit 6


In your notebook, do activity 3 CB page 78 Use AUDIO 117

Read the story, watch the video again.

Do activities 2 and 3  AB page 71


Tuesday 9th March 2021

First we correct our homework.

We open our books on pages 68 and 69. Today we are going to learn about SEPARATING MIXTURES.

First we read and listen.

Next we watch this video.

We read both pages again carefully first to ourselves, an then taking turns.

6ºB have another lesson today.

We study pages 68 and 69 for some minutes. Then we close the book and take a QUIZ. Write numbers 1 to 5 than answer A or B.

Next lessons we will study different types of  chemical changes.

To understand better the difference between physical and chemical changes by watching these videos:

Study the chapters seen in the unit.
Watch the videos again to understand the lessons better.
Do interactive activities 43, 44 and 45 (Liveworksheets Natural Science 6º)

Do activities 1, 2 and 3 pages 68 and 69 (For Thursday)

lunes, 8 de marzo de 2021


Monday 8th March 2021

Every 8th March many countries in the world celebrate the International Women's Day.

Today we are going to learn  a little more about why this celebration is important.

In the handout given to you, do Activity 1. Think of a famous woman for each category. You have three minutes to fill it in. Don't worry if you can't complete the whole activity. Just think if it would be easier if we were talking about men.

After 3 minutes we watch this video

We talk about the right to vote and how hard it was for women to get it. See if you remember from Social Science Unit 4 when were women allowed to vote in Spain (Second Republic).

Next, we read the text about International Women's Day 2020  (page 2 of your handout). First Francesca reads it aloud and then you read it individually.

Complete activity 2 on page 1. 

Complete activities on pages 3 and 4. The writing in activity 6 will be part of your grade for this unit.

If you are not in class today you can download the document here.

International Women's Day.pdf

Or you can do it as an Interactive Worksheet. Page 56 ENGLISH 6º Workbook

Answer Key activities 2 and 3


Finish all the activities in the handout. Pay special attention to your Writing in Activity 6


Monday 8th March 2021

First we correct our homework.

We open our books on pages 66 and 67. Today we are going to learn about MIXTURES.

First we read and listen.

Next we watch these videos.

6º B have an extra lesson on Monday.

Read the pages carefully for some minutes. Then close your books and do the QUIZ. Write numbers 1 to  5. Answer True or False 

Use the rest of the time to do your homework.

Read and Study pages 66 and 67 thoroughly.

Watch the videos again

Finish activities 1, 2,3 and 4 pages 66, 67 in your notebook


Lunes 8 de marzo de 2021

Hoy vamos a concluir la unidad 3,  sobre la Felicidad Personal. Hacemos hoy el Taller de Filosofía, que no tuvimos tiempo el jueves pasado, sobre la esperanza y la confianza (página 49).

Pensamos las respuestas a las preguntas de la actividad 10 y luego las compartimos en grupo respetando turnos de palabra y opiniones diferentes a la nuestra.

Repetimos el proceso con las preguntas de la actividad 11.

A continuación, copiamos en el cuaderno el mapa conceptual de la unidad que aparece en la página 5.

viernes, 5 de marzo de 2021


Friday 5th March 2021

First we correct homework from yesterday.

Then we open our Class Book page 77, we read the dialogue in Chat Room again and we do activities 2 and 4 in the notebook. We correct them

Watch this video to understand the different uses of will and going to.


Do AB page 126 activity 1

Do Interactive Worksheet 53 (Live worksheets ENGLISH  6º)

Grammar and Vocabulary Revision 1


Friday 5th March 2021

Today we start a new Natural Science Unit. We check the cover pages and glue the Bilingual Dictionary on the back of the cover page..

We open our books on pages 64 and 65. We look at the pictures and read the captions.

We remember some basic concepts we already now about matter: 
  • States of matter: solid, liquid and gas
  • Changes of state
  • Atoms and molecules
  • Physical and chemical changes
We watch these videos


Do activities 1 and 2 page 65