viernes, 2 de octubre de 2020


Friday 2nd October 2020

6º B  See yesterday's SOCIAL SCIENCE Blog  entry for 6º A 

6º A

First, we check the maps you've traced on translucent paper with the main mountain systems and rivers.

We also check your notebooks to revise the table with the information about the main rivers.
We open our books on pages 14 and 15 and do activities 1,2 and 3 in our notebooks.

You need to fill in a table like the one that is in your book, for three other  rivers.

Then we take a QUIZ Write numbers 1 to 5 in your notebook and write the missing word.

If we have extra time we will do some PLICKERS.


Study all the chapters of the unit we have seen so far: pages 4-14. 

We will have a test at the end of the week or beginning of the next one.

DO activities 2 and 7 pages 20, 21


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