jueves, 1 de octubre de 2020


Thursday 1st October 2020

6º B  See yesterday's SOCIAL SCIENCE Blog  entry for 6º A 

6º A

First, we check the maps you've traced on translucent paper with the main mountain systems.

We open our books on pages 14 and 15 and learn about the main rivers in Spain.

We listen and read page 14.

We trace the rivers in our map.

We copy in our notebooks the table on page 15. We add a line below the headings with the vocabulary in Spanish:

watershed= vertiente * Please correct it in your bilingual dictionaries


main tributariesafluentes principales


length= longitud


Copy the table from page 15 carefully in your notebook

Trace the rivers o your physical maps (translucent paper)

Do INTERACTIVE WORKSHEET 6 (Social Science 6º)

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