martes, 27 de octubre de 2020


Tuesday 27th October 2020

We start with our books closed. We take out or Plickers cards and answer questions about Electricity and Magnetism from the board. Remember your scores will be taking into account for your grades.

Before we correct activities from yesterday (Let's Revise, pages 100-101) we are going to do some other activities in class.

First we do activity 2. We create a Venn Diagram like this.

Then we include these ideas in it   

involve electrons     -      positive and negative charges    -  North and South pole  -

 create  a "field" -   same sign charges repel each other    -     unlike poles attract each other  -

   like poles are repelled -     ferromagnetic materials   -   electric  circuit  - 

 electromagnet    -     electric conductors  -   different sign charges are attracted

We do it all together in class. It should look like this.  

Then you do activities 4, 5 and 7 in your notebook.  Activity 3 is voluntary.

We take the Quiz 9 page 101. Write numbers 1 to 5 and answer the questions.


Finally, we correct all the activities.


Study the whole unit for the test

You may find it useful to watch the STUDY PRESENTATION again


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