viernes, 20 de noviembre de 2020


Friday 20th November 2020


Before we go on reading The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, AMANDA will tell us about its author, Mark Twain. You will tell her what you already know about the book you are reading.

Next, we will go on reading new chapters.

6º A
AMANDA can't be with us today but she will be any other time, to tell you about Mark Twain, one of her favourite writers.

We go on reading new chapters in our book

Only 6º B (6º A did it yesterday)
Finish Activity Book page  29
Finish Class Book page 31

Both 6º A and 6º B

Do Activity Book page 28, activities 3 and 4

reate a nice Cover Page for unit 3 in your notebook. 
Don't forget to include the 
Objectives shown here:

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