jueves, 12 de noviembre de 2020


Thursday 12th November 2020

6ºA and 6ºB 

We start revising the main mountain ranges we learned in the previous lesson. We use the big physical map in class or this blank map.

Blank physical map with countries names

Blank Physical Map

Today we are learning the main rivers and Lakes in Europe.

We read Pages 30 and 31, as we listen and have a look at the map and the pictures.

AUDIO Page 30    AUDIO page 31

We cut out the names of the main rivers and lakes in Europe and put them on the right place on the blank map.

We classify them according to the body of water (sea, ocean)  that they flow into: 

Arctic Ocean: Pechora, Dvina 

Atlantic Ocean: Loire, Seine, Tajo

 Baltic Sea: Oder, Vistula

 North Sea: Thames, Rhine, Elbe

Black Sea: Danube, Dniester, Dnieper

 Sea of Azov: Don

Caspian Sea: Volga, Ural

Mediterranean Sea: Ebro, Rhone, Tiber

In this video, without spoken text, you can see a way of learning them all in geographical order. Try to do the same: (see challenge at homework). 


Label the map with the main rivers, seas and lakes mentioned in the book 

Do activities 1 and 2 in your notebook

Do Interactive Worksheet 23 (SOCIAL SCIENCE 6º) FOR MONDAY 16th 

CHALLENGE For Monday 16th 
In this video you can see some of the rivers classified in 5 watersheds

Try to do the same but with all the rivers and watersheds mentioned above. Use this template:


Second Lesson 6ºA and First Lesson for 6ºB on Monday

We correct activities 1 and 2

We do activity 3

AUDIO Activity 3

We take QUIZ 5 page 31. Write numbers 1 to 5 and then answer the questions you hear. You need to write the names of rivers and lakes.

AUDIO QUIZ 5 page 31

Here you can see the answers for Activities 3 and 5.

ANSWERS act. 3 &5 page 32

Write some riddles about  the rivers and lakes we have learned.

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