viernes, 4 de diciembre de 2020


Friday 4th December 2020

6º B
First, we check  homework

Next we take a Quiz about the excretory system

We move to the last chapter of the unit. Advances in Medicine. This chapter is especially relevant for us this year due to the pandemic COVID-19 and for the Goal we have set as a school about taking care of ourselves being aware of the important role of science.

It will also be useful that you remember some of the important things we learned last year in our visit to the Aula de Salud Pública, shortly before the lockdown (March 2020).

Click here if you want to see photos  

We have a look at the pictures and the different sections. Then, we listen and read.

We have a long weekend ahead, and the end of the term is very close. 

We talk about First Aid. In Britain they follow DRs ABC.

Shout for help

Here you can see some videos about FIRST AID

We are having our Natural Science Test UNIT 3 next FRIDAY 11th December. So use these days to study the whole unit.


Do activities 1 and  2  from pages 36 and 37 in your notebook.

Copy and complete the CONCEPT MAP (page 42)

Do Activities 1,2,6, 7 and 8 from pages 40 and 41 (Let's Revise)

STUDY The whole Unit.

Make sure you've done Interactive Worksheets 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 and 16

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