viernes, 15 de enero de 2021


Friday 15th January 2021

First we correct homework.

Read pages 46, 47 again before doing the next activities.

Copy the questions for Activity 3  page 47, listen and answer them in your notebook.

Take the QUIZ. Write numbers 1 to 5 and answer the questions. PAUSE the audio after each question, so that you have time to write the answers.

Use the rest of the time to revise the unit and make sure you have done and corrected everything you need to bring on Monday. Check list below.


COVER PAGE with Objective

TIMELINE with years and activities 2, 3 page  43

ACTIVITY 3 page 60 (letters b, c, e, f)
ACTIVITY 8 page 61 (letters a, b, c, d)

Activities 1,2,3,4 and 5 pages 44-45

Activities 1, 2, 3, 6 pages 46-47

 Study UNIT 3 pages 42-49. Watch videos again

Make sure you've done BLINKLEARNING Interactive Activities (Homework)

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