lunes, 11 de enero de 2021


Monday 11th January 2021

This term, our contents for Social Science are going to be about the last two centuries of History in Spain, the period known as Contemporary Age. 

Let´s revise the different periods in which History and Prehistory is divided. Remember that last year we studied The Middle Ages and The Early Modern Era.


The Contemporary Era started with The French Revolution in 1789. Its effects in Spain were noticed throughout the 19th century, which is what we study in this unit.

As a reminder of how to say the years in English, as well as the monarchs and centuries, it would be useful to visit these videos again:

Remember that in Spanish we use Roman numbers to refer to monarchs and centuries. In English, ordinal numbers are used instead. 
siglo XV........ 15th century
Fernando leería  " Fernando the 6th"

Lots of events and changes in society happened in Spain during the 19th century.  By having a look at pages 42 and 43 we can have an idea of some of the most important aspects we will study in the unit.

Have a look at the pictures and read the captions. Then  pay attention to the timeline on the bottom of the pages.

We do Activity 2 on page 43 to practice writing the years in which some important events took place.

Make sure you have a Cover Page with the objectives of the unit.
Leave some space in the back of the cover page for the Bilingual Dictionary*.
*(it will be given to you in class)

Copy the timeline on pages 42, 43 in your notebook, 
Finish Activity 2 page 43

Copy the events mentioned in Activity 3 page 60

Copy the questions in Activity 8 page 61. Leave some space to answer them later.

You don't need to answer the questions or write the years. 
We will be doing it as we develop the contents of the unit.

2 comentarios:

  1. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

    1. No... Solo se copia el enunciado de momento. Luego lo iremos rellenando a medida que desarrollamos la unidad
