lunes, 18 de enero de 2021


Monday 18th January 2021

Videoconference ENGLISH 

If you can't attend the ZOOM meeting scheduled for your class, follow this blog entry carefully and do all the activities and homework mentioned in it. 

Do not hesitate to contact me if you have any question.

The first thing we are doing is correct Interactive Worksheet 45 (Ir. Verbs Test) you did on Friday.

Today we have a Grammar Lesson on REPORTED SPEECH, Class Book Page 53. We skipped it last week. 

Watch this video first  to see what we understand for reported speech.

Then open your Class Book at page 53. First, listen and read the CHAT ROOM

Do activities 2, 3 and 5 orally.

Do activity 4 in the notebook. 

Here you can check your answers to Class Book activities (in case you are not at school today).



Revise the Grammar learnt in the lesson. 

Finish activity 4 (CB page 53) in your notebook

Do Activities 1, 2, and 3 on your Activity Book page 46.

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