lunes, 25 de enero de 2021


Monday 25th January 2021

First we correct homework

Before we finish the unit with a last chapter on Art in the 19th century we are going to revise today the main historical events that we have studied in previous chapters.

We have a look at activities 3 page 60.  We check:

We make sure we can find those dates in the timeline we drew at the beginning of the unit. We write the events again in chronological order.

We will correct activity 8 tomorrow.

Now we have a quick look at pages 48, 49. We close the book and  and we take a QUIZ. Numbers 1,to 5  A/B questions.

Next we do the same with pages 50,51. Numbers 1 to 5. True/false questions

Finally we do the same with pages 52, 53. Numbers 1to 5. Write answers.

We use the rest of the time to start doing homework.


Carlist Wars. See blog entry Wednesday 20th January

We read Search and Discover to find out more about the other two Carlists Wars and we complete a table like this in the notebook.


Study unit 3

Check you finished activity 8.

Do ACTIVITIES 1, 2, 6, and 7 Let's Revise (pages 60, 61)

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