viernes, 26 de febrero de 2021


Friday 26th February 2021

We will correct homework on Monday.

We continue reading  the books.   
6ºA   The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn                     6ºB  The Adventures of Tom Sawyer.

Remember Homework assigned yesterday.


AB pages 66, 67


Friday 26th February 2021

 We correct homework first.

Next, we take  a QUIZ. Numbers 1 to 5. Write A or B

Then we open the book at pages 70 and 71 to learn about  Spain since 1975



Study  all the chapters we've seen so far (pages 64 to 73)

Do activities 1, 2,  and 3  in your notebook.

jueves, 25 de febrero de 2021


Thursday 25th February 2021

We take a test today. ENGLISH UNIT 5      Why do we buy things?



Read the directions carefully.

Look at the information closely

Think before you answer. 

Check all your answers before giving it back to your teacher.


AB pages 66, 67


Thursday 25th February 2021

 We correct homework first.

Next, we take  a QUIZ. Numbers 1 to 5. Write the answers

Then we open the book at pages 70 and 71to learn about  Spain under Franco dictatorship

We can watch this video about The Franco Era


HOMEWORK (For Thursday)

Study pages 70 and 71 and and do activities 1, 2,  and 3  in your notebook.


Jueves 25 de Febrero de 2021

Hoy vamos a hablar de sentimientos que contribuyen a nuestra felicidad ante el futuro: la esperanza y la confianza.

Leemos el cuento de la página 46 y respondemos a las preguntas 1, 2 y 3.

A continuación leemos los textos sobre la esperanza, la confianza y los tipos de confianza.
Hacemos la actividad
Comentamos oralmente las respuestas a la actividad 4.

En el cuaderno respondemos a las preguntas 5, 6 y 7 de la página 47.

miércoles, 24 de febrero de 2021


Wednesday 24th February 2021

First  we  collect Grammar and Vocabulary handouts from those who got it yesterday.

We take a quick test on Irregular verbs and sentences in affirmative, negative and interrogative forms.
If you are not in class today you can do this interactive worksheet and send it to my liveworksheets email:

Then we correct homework from yesterday:

Finally, we watch the video and answer the questions.


Revise Unit 5 (test tomorrow)



Wednesday 24th February 2021



We open the book at pages 66 and 67 to learn about the Spanish Civil War. We read and listen pages 68 and 69

W can watch this video about the war.

HOMEWORK (For Thursday)

Study pages 68 and 69 and and do activities 1, 2, 3 and 4  in your notebook.

martes, 23 de febrero de 2021


Tuesday 23rd February 2021

First  we  collect your writings. Personal Account.

We revise the Grammar handout from last week and explain the most common errors detected.

Those of you who showed more difficulties in the previous handout today are receiving a new Grammar and Vocabulary Reinforcement handout to help you get ready for the test we have on Thursday.

The rest will be doing it today for homework as an interactive worksheet. Page 52.

We are going to have a quick look at the vocabulary words learned in the unit: Verbs related to shopping and money CB page 64 and clothes and accessories CB page 66.

We open Activity Book page 65. We listen to the song and select the correct word for the lyrics.

Finish the rest of the page for tomorrow,


Study Irregular Verbs (test tomorrow)

U5 Grammar and Vocabulary reinforcement INTERACTIVE WORKSHEET 52
Finish AB page 65



Tuesday 23rd February 2021

 We correct homework first.

Next we watch a video about the Second Republic:

After that, we have a look at activity 4 and we answer it orally.

Next, we take  a QUIZ. Numbers 1 to 5. TRUE or FALSE

Then we open the book at pages 66 and 67 to learn about the Spanish Civil War. We read and listen pages 68 and 69

W can watch this video about the war.

HOMEWORK (For Thursday)

Study pages 68 and 69 and and do activities 1, 2, 3 and 4  in your notebook.

jueves, 18 de febrero de 2021


Thursday 18th February 2021

First  we  correct homework:

Today we are going to learn how to write a personal account, or personal narrative. That is writing about a personal experience we have had.

Remember when we read the Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, it is told as if Huck himself told us about what happened to him.

They are written in the first person (I, me) and using the past tense. They usually describe an experience that was interesting or unusual or from which the author learned something. The events are described in order.

We read the example in our Class Book page 71. Answer the questions in activity 2.

Then do activities 1 and  2 AB page 64. We correct them

These videos can help you create your own personal account or personal narrative. There are 5 steps.

First Step: First Brainstorm ideas

Second Step. Prewriting: Make a plan

Third Step: Writing an Introduction

Fourth Step. Writing a draft

Fifth Step. Writing a closing sentence or conclusion


Watch all the videos in order.

Following what you've learned in the videos and the model on CB pages 70 and  71, WRITE about a PERSONAL EXPERIENCE, something that happened to you.

MAKE SUREyou've done INTERACTIVE WORKSHEETS 48, 49 and 50 Liveworksheets ENGLISH 6º


Thursday 18th February 2021

 We make sure all the Cover Pages for Unit 4 are done and that they include the objectives.

We glue the Bilingual Dictionaries in the back of the cover page.

We revise some of the main concepts we remember from Spain in the 19th century.
What was the Restoration?  Who became king in 1874? 
What were the main political parties?

We predict what kind of events are we going to be learning about Spain in the 20th century.

Then we copy the Timeline on page 65 below the bilingual dictionary.

We open our books on pages 64 and 65. We look at the pictures and read the captions.

We do activity 2 in the notebook

Then we add the dates and periods from activity 2 to our timeline.

If we have time we move to pages 66 and 67 to learn about the early 20th century.

Watch this video that summarizes the main events described in the chapter:


Study pages 66 and 67 and and do activities 1, 2 and 3  in your notebook.


Jueves 18 de Febrero de 2021

El pasado lunes no tuvimos tiempo de hacer el Taller de Filosofía porque nos extendimos mucho hablando sobre los miedos y cómo superarlos.

Realizamos la actividad 9 de manera oral. Leemos bien las preguntas y las pensamos un momento antes de responder. Escuchamos con respeto las opiniones de los demás y después aportamos nuestras ideas o matices.

Copiamos la actividad 10 en el cuaderno. Anotamos sólo los sentimientos que experimenta una persona que se siente feliz. Explicamos por qué.

Oralmente respondemos a las preguntas de la actividad 11. Procedemos de manera similar a la actividad 9. 

A continuación planteamos u mini debate sobre la valentía y la prudencia.

miércoles, 17 de febrero de 2021


Wednesday 17th February 2021

First  we  correct homework:

Then we open our Class Book on page 70 to read a text about buying presents.

Listen and read the text called   A Big Surprise!

We read it aloud taking turns, and we talk about the Big Values!


Do activities 1, 2, and 3 AB page 62



Wednesday 17th February 2021


We take the rest of PLICKERS questions we couldn't finish last Monday.

 We make sure all the Cover Pages for Unit 4 are done and that they include the objectives.

We glue the Bilingual Dictionaries in the back of the cover page.

We revise some of the main concepts we remember from Spain in the 19th century.
What was the Restoration?  Who became king in 1874? 
What were the main political parties?

We predict what kind of events are we going to be learning about Spain in the 20th century.

Then we copy the Timeline on page 65 below the bilingual dictionary.


Finish the cover page 

Finish the Timeline page 65

martes, 16 de febrero de 2021


Tuesday 16th February 2021

First  we  collect the Grammar page (handout) and correct homework

We open Activity Book on page 60 and do activities 1, 2 and 3.

We also do Activity 2 on page 125.

We correct them at the end of the lesson.


Do activities 2, 3 and 4 AB page 63

Do Interactive Activities 48, 49 and 50 Liveworksheets ENGLISH 6º (For Monday)


Tuesday 16th February 2021

We take a test today. NATURAL SCIENCE UNIT 1      INTERACTION



Read the directions carefully.

Look at the information closely

Think before you answer. 

Check all your answers before giving it back to your teacher.



UNIT 4. Spain in the 20th century

Don't forget to include the OBJECTIVES

lunes, 15 de febrero de 2021


Monday 15th February 2021

First  we  correct homework

Today we have a Grammar Lesson on Reflexive Pronouns.

We watch this video first:

Then we look at the story on pages 66 and 67 and try to find examples of reflexive pronouns.

We have a look at the table on page 68 (Activity 2). We read the examples and  answer the questions.

Copy the table in your notebook.

Do activities 1, 3 and 4 in your notebook.



Finish activities 1, 3 and 4 in the notebook

Finish page 2 of the handout (GRAMMAR photocopy) 


Monday 15th February 2021

First, we correct homework.

Exchange with a classmate the glossary definitions and words you wrote last Friday. You have 4 minutes to answer them. Then you have 1 minute to correct what your classmate wrote. 

Before doing Plickers,  we watch a short video about Santiago Ramón y Cajal, a Spanish doctor form the 19th and early 20th century, and scientist whose contributions to the study of the nervous system are highly acknowledged. He received the Nobel Prize in Medicine in 1906.

Then we  test your learning with some PLICKERS questions.


Study the whole Unit for the test 

Make sure you´ve done all the Digital activities in Blinklearning for  UNIT 1

Make sure you´ve done Interactive Worksheets 30 to 39 (Liveworksheets Nat Science 6º)


Lunes 15 de Febrero de 2021

Hoy vamos a terminar la actividad que iniciamos el jueves sobre nuestros miedos y cómo superarlos.

A continuación hacemos el Taller de Filosofía de la página 45 sobre la Felicidad y la Valentía.

sábado, 13 de febrero de 2021



El viernes 12 de febrero celebramos en Escuelas Bosque un carnaval, muy diferente al de otros años, pero no por eso menos divertido y lleno de color.

Al igual que hacemos cada año, la temática del Carnaval coincide con la del Belén, centrado en plasmar el objetivo de centro. Rendimos homenaje a todos los profesionales que cuidaron de nosotros durante el confinamiento y que siguen cuidando de nosotros cada día.

Los alumnos de 6º rendimos homenaje a los transportistas que se encargan día a día de qu eno nos falten en casa o en los supermercados todo aquello que necesitamos cada día.

En esta ocasión nos tocó transportar la sardina, los cabezudos y los dragones y repartir fantasía e ilusión por los distintos rincones del patio en los que nos esperaban compañeros de otros cursos disfrazados de otros profesionales.

Tras finalizar el recorrido, depositamos la sardina en el centro del patio inclusivo y la saltamos, como se ha venido haciendo año tras año. 

Gracias, Maribel,  Equipo Directivo y a todos los profesionales del centro por hacerlo posible un año más... a pesar de las dificultades. 

Acceder a Galería Imágenes de 6º

En la página web del colegio se pueden ver muchas más imágenes del carnaval.

viernes, 12 de febrero de 2021

Friday 12th February 2021

We will correct homework on Monday.

We continue reading  the books.   
6ºA   The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn                     6ºB  The Adventures of Tom Sawyer.

Remember Homework assigned yesterday.


Interactive Worksheets 46 and 47 (too/enough)

Finish activity 3 CB page 69

Do activities 1, 2 and 3 AB page 61


Friday 12th February 2021

First, we correct homework.

We use today's lesson to study on your own, while the teacher checks your notebooks. remember that all the activities need to be done and corrected and the pictures completed, glued and labelled.

We take a quiz to check our learning of the unit. Write numbers 1 to 6 and then answer true or false

We watch a video about Santiago Ramón y Cajal, a Spanish doctor form the 19th and early 20th century, and scientist whose contributions to the study of the nervous system are highly acknowledged. He received the Nobel Prize in Medicine in 1906.

Use the rest of the time to copy ten definitions from the glossary on page 23 to exchange with a classmate. 


Study the whole Unit for Plickers (Monday and Written test (Tuesday)

Finish the ALL the Digital activities in Blinklearning for  UNIT 1

jueves, 11 de febrero de 2021


Thursday 11th February 2021


First we correct homework

Then we open our CB at page 69.

We are going to learn about the Value for Money and how we sometimes need to make some calculation before buying things advertised as DEALS!

Are special offers always a good deal?

We listen and read the text.

We do activity 3 in our notebook and activity 4 orally in class.


Interactive Worksheets 46 and 47 (too/enough)

Finish activity 3 CB page 69

Do activities 1, 2 and 3 AB page 61


Thursday 11th February 2021

First, we correct homework.

We use some minutes to read pages 16 and 17 thoroughly carefully and we take a QUIZ. Numbers 1 to 5.  Write TRUE or FALSE.

Then you are going to copy the concept map of the unit (page 22). If you want, you can leave the gaps and finish it at home after trying it first with blinklearning.

We do activities 1, 5, 8 and 9 pages 20, 21 (Let's Revise).


Make sure all the pictures are done, glued and labelled in your notebooks.

Do activities 1, 5, 8 and 9 pages 20 and 21.

Copy and complete the concept map from page 22 in your notebook. (Remember you can try doing it first through Blinklearning)

STUDY FOR THE TEST  (Tuesday 16th)

Do Interactive worksheets  36, 37, 38 and 39 (Liveworksheets) FOR MONDAY

REMEMBER YOU NEED TO HAVE DONE 30 to 39 for this unit 

miércoles, 10 de febrero de 2021


Wednesday 10th February 2021

First we correct homework

Then we open our CB at pages 66 and 67.

Before reading the story we have a look at some vocabulary words related to clothes and accessories.

Then we have a look ay Oli's entry and ask ourselves this question:

 Do you join the latest craze?

We read and answer the questions in activity 4.

Then we listen and read the story.

Finally, we can watch the VIDEO


Watch the video and read the story again.

Do activities 2, 3 and 4 AB page 59


Wednesday 10th February 2021

ONLY 6º A 6º B did it yesterday

We open our books on pages 16, 17 and we learn about two our LOCOMOTOR SYSTEM.

We read and listen pages 16 

Then we can watch these videos.

We read and listen page 17

We watch these videos about our muscular system.

Use translucent paper to copy the skeleton and muscular systems and glue them on your notebook, where you will label them. All the drawings need to be finished and labelled in your notebooks by Friday.


Study the main bones and muscles in our locomotosystem.

Read and study the chapter (pages 16 and 17) before doing the activities.

Do activities 1, 2 and 3 pages 16 and 17.

Do Interactive worksheets  34 and 35 (Liveworksheets)

Drawings Bones and Muscles (FOR FRIDAY)

I am collecting all your notebooks on Friday

martes, 9 de febrero de 2021


Tuesday 9th February 2021

First we correct homework

Then we open our AB at page 58. We listen and number the pictures in Activity 1.

Next, we are going to look at the table in activity 4 and the information about some rides. We say sentences with too and (not) enough about the rides the children can go on.

Then we write at least four sentences in the notebook.

After that, we finish activities 2 and 3.


Finish  activities 2 and 3 AB page 58

Do page 1 from the handout (U5 Grammar Revision)


Tuesday 9th February 2021

First, we correct homework.

We use some minutes to read pages 12 and 13 thoroughly carefully and we take a QUIZ. Numbers 1 to 6.  Write the sense that each question belongs to.

Then, we open our books on pages 16, 17and we learn about two our LOCOMOTOR SYSTEM.

We read and listen pages 16 

Then we can watch these videos.

We read and listen page 17

We watch these videos about our muscular system.

Use translucent paper to copy the skeleton and muscular systems and glue them on your notebook, where you will label them. All the drawings need to be finished and labelled in your notebooks by Friday.


Study the main bones and muscles in our locomotosystem.

Read and study the chapter (pages 16 and 17) before doing the activities.

Do activities 1, 2 and 3 pages 16 and 17.

Do Interactive worksheets  34 and 35 (Liveworksheets)

Drawings Bones and Muscles (FOR FRIDAY)

I am collecting all your notebooks on Friday