jueves, 18 de febrero de 2021


Thursday 18th February 2021

 We make sure all the Cover Pages for Unit 4 are done and that they include the objectives.

We glue the Bilingual Dictionaries in the back of the cover page.

We revise some of the main concepts we remember from Spain in the 19th century.
What was the Restoration?  Who became king in 1874? 
What were the main political parties?

We predict what kind of events are we going to be learning about Spain in the 20th century.

Then we copy the Timeline on page 65 below the bilingual dictionary.

We open our books on pages 64 and 65. We look at the pictures and read the captions.

We do activity 2 in the notebook

Then we add the dates and periods from activity 2 to our timeline.

If we have time we move to pages 66 and 67 to learn about the early 20th century.

Watch this video that summarizes the main events described in the chapter:


Study pages 66 and 67 and and do activities 1, 2 and 3  in your notebook.

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