martes, 2 de marzo de 2021


Tuesday 2nd March 2021

 We correct homework first.

We read the chapter again before we take a QUIZ. Numbers 1 to 5. Write the correct answer

Now we use some time to revise the unit.  First read all the chapters carefully one more time.

Next we open our books on pages 80 and 81. We do activities 3 and 4 orally.

We complete the timeline we created at the beginning of the unit with the most important dates and events studied in the unit.

We take a QUIZ about the whole unit. Write numbers 1 to 5. Write the year.

Then we write activities 1, 6 and 7 in the notebook.  

6ºB can correct them tomorrow by looking at the blog. 6º A will correct them tomorrow.

We use the rest of the time for Plickers


Finish Activities 1, 6 and 7 pages 80, 81  
(6º B must correct from the blog tomorrow)

Study for the Test (THURSDAY)

Finish BLINKLEARNING Activities of the unit (10-13)

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