miércoles, 7 de abril de 2021


Wednesday 7th APRIL 2021


Today we start a new unit about travelling and moving to new places. On a little post it note we think of our own answers to the BIG QUESTION:

Why do People Move to New Places?

We copy the question in the Big poster, than we share our answers and stick them to the poster.

We open our Class Book on pages 92 and 93 and have   look at the pictures. We read the captions and the posts and answer the questions on activities 1 and 3.

Then we watch the video

We have a look at activity 5 and create two new questions using the prompts.

Have you ever moved house?

What do you think would be fun or difficult about moving to another country?


Watch the video again and do AB page 82 activities 1, 2, 3 and 4

AUDIO 131 act. 2

AUDIO 132 act. 3

AUDIO 133 act. 4

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