lunes, 24 de mayo de 2021


Monday 24th may 2021

Today we start a new Natural Science Unit: TECHNOLOGY, the last unit of the year.

We check the cover pages and glue the Bilingual Dictionary on the back of the cover page.

We try to understand the term technology by watching this video:

We realize that nowadays technology is closely related to computers and their use in our daily lives has developed enormously.

We tend to associate the word technology with ICT 


We open our books on pages 104 and 105. We look at the pictures and read the captions.

Use the following page to the bilingual dictionary to create a mind map in our notebook with the word technology in the centre and different branches with the headings and examples we will see in the next chapters of the unit 

We use the rest of the time to do activities 1, 2 and 3 in the notebook.


Finish activities 1,2 and 3 (page 105) in the notebook. 

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