martes, 20 de octubre de 2020


Tuesday 20th and Wednesday 21st October 2020

6º A and 6º B

First we correct activities from yesterday.

We take a QUIZ about the Earth's magnetic field. We write numbers 1 to 5. Write T (true) or F (false).

Then we move to pages 92 and 93 to learn interesting facts about three scientists that studied the relationship between electricity and magnetism, leading to the concept of Electromagnetism:

Hans Christian Oersted (1777 -1851) Denmark
André-Marie Ampere (1775 -1836) France
Michael Faraday  (1791 -1867) England

We read and listen page 92. 

This video shows Oersted's experience.   LINK to THE VIDEO (CSIC) 

These videos show how we can build electromagnetic rotary devices (motors) similar as those used by Faraday.

We do activity 3 page 93.    LISTEN Act. 3 page 93.

6º B second lesson Tuesday.   6º A Wednesday lesson

We learn about how magnets can generate electricity in power stations  (electrical generators). Read page 93.

Next, we go to page  99 SEARCH and DISCOVER  and we read Oersted's Diary. We do Activity 4 in the notebook.

This video (in Spanish) tells us a little more about Oersted and Ampere.

HOMEWORK for Thursday

Read the chapter again
Watch the videos we have not seen in class.
Do activities 1 and 2 in your notebook.

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