martes, 20 de octubre de 2020


Tuesday 20th and Wednesday 21st October 2020

Both 6º A and 6ºB
We check the Grammar Review Page Unit 1 (interactive worksheet)
We practise interrogative sentences (questions) in different verb tenses.

Interactive Worksheets 18 and 19 

6ºA Tuesday, 6º B Wednesday

Today we will focus on WRITING a Persuasive Text. Class Book Page 17 (top) and Activity Book page 14.

In Class Book page 17, we read  the text Turn off the tap! and do activities 1, 2 and 3 orally.

Then we work individually on page 14 Activity Book. 

On a separate paper we write a persuasive text following the directions from AB.

At the same time, in pairs, students will go out to practice Cambridge English Qualifications SPEAKING (CB page 18) with Myriam and/or our language assistant.

6ºB Tuesday, 6ºA Wednesday

We do Lesson 10 Review. Class Book 17 (bottom)  Activity Book 15.

SONG AUDIO AB page 15. Activity 1 fill the blanks

We watch a Video and answer some questions orally about it.

Then we go on doing activities 2, 3 and 4 in Activity Book Page 15.

HOMEWORK for Thursday

Study for the Test
Finish AB page 14, and the writing on a separate paper.
Finish AB 15 (act. 1,2,3,4) 

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