lunes, 30 de noviembre de 2020


Monday 30th November 2020

We have to correct some activities from last week:

First, we correct Activity 4 CB page 35 and we try some examples of Activity 5.

Answer Key Activities 4 and 5 CB 35

Next, we correct Grammar activities from our Activity Book. Pages 32 and 123.

Answer Key AB 34  AB 123

Then we talk about the story on or Class Book pages 36, 37 and we correct AB page 33

Answer Key AB 33

After correcting everything, we move to Lesson 5 Grammar. Class Book page 38.

We are going to learn about Past Passive tense.

Christopher Columbus discovered America in 1492. 

 (Active sentence in the past)

America was discovered in 1492 by Christopher Columbus.  

(Passive sentence in the past)

We use passive sentences when we want to focus more on what the action is about than on the person doing the action.

First, we look for examples in the story:

This novel was written in 1972.

This pay was written in 1600 by William Shakespeare.

These poems were carved on beeswax

We look at the table in activity 2 and  answer question 1.

We do activities 4 and 5 orally.

Then, in your notebook, copy and do activity 3.


Finish activity 3 (CB page 38)

Do activities 1, 2 and 3  (AB page 34)

Here is the Audio for Activity 1

AUDIO 058 Activity 1 AB page 34


Monday 30th November 2020

First, we check your notebooks to see your pictures of the digestive and respiratory system, properly labelled.

Today we are going to study the circulatory system. Before opening the books, we check what we already know from previous years about:
The Heart

These are the three parts in which the chapter is divided.  We have a look at the pictures and then we listen and read.

AUDIO Page 32                AUDIO page 33

We have a look at the model of the heart, and to the posters of the circulattory system dispalyed in the classroom.

We can also watch these videos

This first video connects respiratory system and pulmonary circuit.

We watched this animation last year when we were learning about the heart.

These are two simple videos for kids:

Here you can learn a little more about the heart and blood vessels:

We use the rest of the time to draw the pictures of a heart and its parts and the circulatory system using translucent paper.


Do activities 1, 2, 3 and 4 (pages 32, 33) in your notebook.

Here is the Audio for Activity 3.

AUDIO Activity 3 page 33



Lunes 30 de Noviembre de 2020

Hoy vamos a diseñar un plan de entrenamiento para conseguir una meta que nos propongamos.

Recordamos que ya hemos hablado de esto y que incluso tenemos una especie de cartel.

Conviene que no pensemos en metas demasiado grandes o ambiciosas que no se pueden alcanzar a largo plazo, sino más bien en pequeños objetivos que sí estén al alcance de la mano. Las grandes metas llegarán después.

viernes, 27 de noviembre de 2020


Friday 27th November 2020

First, we take a quick test on verbs, past simple and present perfect. Pay attention, because last time there were many errors in Past simple and Present Perfect.

Next, we keep reading our books:

Remember from yesterday's entry


You are going to read and do CB pages 36 and 37 on your own.

Here you have the links for the AUDIOS  and the VIDEO, in case you are not registered in Blinklearning yet.

AUDIO 055 (activity 2 CB page 36)

AUDIO 056 (activity book CB page 36)

AUDIO 057 (story)


Do ACTIVITY BOOK page 33 (activities 2 and 3)


Friday 27th November 2020

First we correct homework.

Next we think about activities 4 and 5 orally.

We take the quiz (activity 6 page 31). Write numbers 1 to 5. Listen and write True or False.

Before moving on to the circulatory system, we revise the main ideas about the digestive system and respiratory system. We talk about the PHARYNX, which is not mentioned in our book and is an essential part both for digestive and respiratory system.

We draw both in the notebook and label the main organs involved in it. We can use translucent paper to make it more accurate and complete.

We can watch these videos too.

Draw, colour, label and glue to your notebook both digestive and respiratory systems.
STUDY Pages 24-31
DO interactive Worksheets 10 and 11 (NATURAL SCIENCE 6º)

jueves, 26 de noviembre de 2020


Thursday 26th November 2020

Today, fourth Thursday of November, Thanksgiving is celebrated in Tha USA. This year, due to the COVID-19, it is going to be a little different.

I would like to sahre with you all this song about the importance of feeling thankful, grateful for the things we have and appreciate  those people that are always by our side.

 I hope you like it!

I would also like to share with you some recommendations published by the American Centre for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).


Today  you are going to be working independently on your Activity Books while I  call you in pairs to show you your UNIT 2 TESTS so that you can write down your scores in your Agendas.

First, we listen to the AUDIO for Activity 1 and the you work indicvidually on the rest

AUDIO 054 (AB page 32 act 1)

Then, you go on working individually. Finish activity 1 and do activities 2 and 3.

Go to page 123. Copy the table on your notebook and do activity 1 (in the book)

If you finish, write four questions for a friend starting What would you do if...? about situations we have not seen in class.


You are going to read and do CB pages 36 and 37 on your own.

Here you have the links for the AUDIOS  and the VIDEO, in case you are not registered in Blinklearning yet.

AUDIO 055 (activity 2 CB page 36)

AUDIO 056 (activity book CB page 36)

AUDIO 057 (story)


Do ACTIVITY BOOK page 33 (activities 2 and 3)


Thursday 26th November 2020

First we correct homework and answer possible questions.

We do the QUIZ on page 27. Write numbers 1 to 5 in notebook, listen and write the correct  answer.

Next we move on to the next chapter of this unit: The Respiratory System.

Do activities 1, 2 and 3 pages 30, 31

miércoles, 25 de noviembre de 2020


Wednesday 25th November 2020

First, we correct homework

Activity Book Page 31 

Then we move to Class Book page 35, to practice some GRAMMAR. We are going to learn how to ask questions in the second conditional tense.

Would she be proud if she won the competition?

Would you be nervous if you had an exam now?

How would you feel in class if you didn't do your homework?

First we listen and read the CHAT ROOM 


We read again and do activity 2 orally.

Then we have a look at the table on the right top of page 35 and answers questions 1 and 2 orally.

We do activity 5 orally by looking at the chart. The first line in each column describes the situation:

be on a high diving board, be on a tropical beach, have money. The other lines show how Fatima, Rami and Oli would  feel and the  things they would  do. look at the example providen in the book.

Next, we do activity 4 in our notebook.


Finish activity 4 (CB page 35) in the notebook



Wednesday 25th November 2020

6º A  (6ºB did it yesterday)

First we correct activities from page 25.

Then we go to pages  26 and 27 to learn about the Digestive System.

AUDIO Page 26                    AUDIO Page 27

We pay special attention to the importance of  avoiding junk food and keeping a balanced diet with the essential nutrients, vitamins and minerals.

Do activities 1 and 2 pages 26, 27 

martes, 24 de noviembre de 2020


Tuesday 24th November 2020

First, we correct homework

Activity Book Page 30 

Then we move to Lesson 2, Class Book Page 34. We have a VOCABULARY lesson about how our body language or our face can communicate how we are feeling.

We think and do orally activity 1 page to revise vocabulary about feelings. We need to admit that there is not such thing as negative feelings. We need all our feelings and emotions and it is OK to feel them in certain occasions.

We can say that there are emotions that make us feel good and others that prevent us from feeling good.

A fundamental difference between feelings and emotions is that feelings are experienced consciously, while emotions manifest either consciously or subconsciously.

We can use these posters to classify them if we don't get many ideas

Next, we listen and read Nancy's blog and we point to the pictures that show each feeling being described.

Then, we do activity 3 in the notebook. We listen, check and say.

If we have time, we play a guessing game. A student mimes a feelings and their classmates have to guess.


 DO activities 1, 2, 3 and 4 in ACTIVITY BOOK page 31


Tuesday 24th November 2020

We start a new unit, UNIT 2. 

Remember we are studying one of the three basic functions  (Nutrition, Interaction and Reproduction) each term. This first term we start with NUTRITION.

Last year we studied these functions in animals and plants. This year we will focus in learning how our human body carries out these basic functions.

Before opening the books we try to remember some concepts from previous years:

What are the three basic functions? (Interaction, Nutrition, Reproduction)

How do living things organice? (cells, tissues, organs, systems, individuals, community..)

What systems are involved in Nutrition? (Digestive, Respiratory, Circulatory and Excretory)

We can also name different organs and classify them according to the system they belong to.

Next, we open our books on pages 24 and 25.. We look at the pictures and read their captions.

We use the rest of the time to do activities 1, 2 and 3 (page 25) in the notebook.


Finish activities 2, 3 (page 25)

Here is the AUDIO for activity 3

6ºB Second Lesson

First we correct activities from page 25.

Then we go to pages  26 and 27 to learn about the Digestive System.

AUDIO Page 26                    AUDIO Page 27

We pay special attention to the importance of  avoiding junk food and keeping a balanced diet with the essential nutrients, vitamins and minerals.

Do activities 1 and 2 pages 26, 27 

lunes, 23 de noviembre de 2020


Monday 23rd November 2020

Before we start a new unit, we make sure we remember our answers to the Big Question for Unit 2: 

What makes us succeed?

We read what we wrote in our poster at the beginning of the unit.

Next, we check homework very quickly

Answers CB page 31

Answers AB page 28

Answers AB page 29

If we cannot correct everything in class. You can do it at home.

We start UNIT 3 by copying  the BIG QUESTION for UNIT 3 on our poster 

How do we communicate?

We have a look at the pictures and posts on pages 32 and 33. We answer the questions for activity 1 orally.

We watch this video about how did Romans write letters.

Click here to WATCH the VIDEO

We do activities 3, 4 and 5 orally. We add our own answers to the poster (activity 4).


Watch the video again and do activities 1,2, 3 and 4 from Activity Book page 30.

Click here to WATCH the VIDEO

AUDIO activity 2

AUDIO Activity 3

AUDIO activity 4


Monday 23rd November 2020

We take a test today. SOCIAL SCIENCE UNIT 2




Read the directions carefully.

Look at me maps closely

Think before you answer. 

Check all your answers before giving it back to your teacher.




Don't forget to include the OBJECTIVES


Lunes 23 de Noviembre de 2020

Continuamos con la Unidad 2 Formamos nuestra PERSONALIDAD.

Pasamos ya a la parte de Presente (páginas 28 y 29). Hoy hablamos de conocerse y cambiar.

Comenzamos leyendo la historia titulada "La enfermedad de Pepe". Comentamos oralmente las preguntas 1, 2 y 3.

Dedicamos el resto del tiempo a leer los apartados Conocerse a uno mismo y Cambiar es posible.

Reflexionamos sobre nuestras fortalezas y debilidades y de cómo la inteligencia nos permite cambiar y mejorar.

Copiamos en el cuaderno el recuadro rosa de la página 29.

viernes, 20 de noviembre de 2020


Friday 20th November 2020


Before we go on reading The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, AMANDA will tell us about its author, Mark Twain. You will tell her what you already know about the book you are reading.

Next, we will go on reading new chapters.

6º A
AMANDA can't be with us today but she will be any other time, to tell you about Mark Twain, one of her favourite writers.

We go on reading new chapters in our book

Only 6º B (6º A did it yesterday)
Finish Activity Book page  29
Finish Class Book page 31

Both 6º A and 6º B

Do Activity Book page 28, activities 3 and 4

reate a nice Cover Page for unit 3 in your notebook. 
Don't forget to include the 
Objectives shown here:


Friday 20th November 2020

First we correct homework:

Then, we take a QUIZ

We use the rest of the times to check our learning with PLICKERS



STUDY for the TEST

REMEMBER:  Use these links you can play interactive games to practice what we are learning about Europe:




jueves, 19 de noviembre de 2020


Thursday 19th November 2020

Today we Practice for Cambridge Examinations. Class Book Pages 30 and 31, Activity Book Pages 28, 29.

We start with Page 28 (activity Book). We do orally all together activities 1 and 2. 

Then individually, we do activity 3 on the book.

We read instructions for activity 4 and then we listen carefully to the text twice.

We do activity 4.

Next, we go to Class Book page 30 and we have a look at the Speaking Component.

We pay special attention to the Language Bank and to the Exam Tip.

If we have time,  start doing page 31 in our notebooks. You needn´t copy the questions or directions, just the correct answer in this case.


Finish activities 1, 2 and 3 Class Book page 31.

Do activities 1, 2 and 3 Activity Book Page 29


Thursday 19th November 2020

First we correct homework:

We take turns in asking Glossary Words and definitions on page 4º.

We use the rest of the time to finish activities 5, 6, 7 and 8 on Page 39

REMEMBER:  Using these links you can play interactive games to practice what we are learning about Europe:





Study the unit. PLICKERS tomorrow, TEST Monday

Finish Activities 5, 6, 7 and 8 Page 39


Jueves 19 de Noviembre de 2020

Avanzamos en la Unidad 2 Formamos nuestra PERSONALIDAD.

Vamos a la página 27. Taller de Filosofía sobre Formar el carácter.

Primero pensamos individualmente y anotamos en nuestro cuaderno nuestra respuestas, para luego comentarlas con los demás.

miércoles, 18 de noviembre de 2020


Wednesday 18th November 2020

 We take a test today. ENGLISH UNIT 2



Read the directions carefully.

Think before you answer. 

Check all your answers before giving it back to your teacher.


Class Book page 31

Activity Book page 29


Wednesday 18th November 2020

Only 6º A

We use this time today to work individually in the homework set yesterday for tomorrow:

Concept Map page 40
Glossary page 41
Let's revise Activities 1, 2, 3 and 4.

If we have time, we can create PLICKERS questions with the content of the unit.

REMEMBER:  Using these links you can play interactive games to practice what we are learning about Europe:





See Monday 16th

Study the whole Unit

martes, 17 de noviembre de 2020


Tuesday 16th November 2020

We are finishing UNIT 2. Today we are doing  THE BOG QUESTION REVIEW.

First we watch this video and answer the questions on it:
Then we go to Activity Book page 27.

Before listening to the song, we try to guess the missing words in the lyrics (Activity 1).

We listen and fill in the blanks.

We listen again and sing along.

We do and correct Activities 2 and 3.

Finally, we do activity 4 (self-evaluation)


REVISE the whole Unit for the test tomorrow


Tuesday 17th November 2020

We correct homework form yesterday.

See answers page 32, 33

Next, we are going to listen to a very interesting text about one of the earliest explorers in Europe, Pytheas of Massalia (Greece, 3000BC). 

AUDIO activity 3 page 33

As we listen for the first time, we are going to follow his route with our finger on our map on page 32.

Then, before listening  for the second time we are going to write in the notebook:

 a) Name SIX places Pytheas visited 

b) Name FOUR bodies of water Pytheas travelled on.

As we listen for the second time we write down the answers.

Check answers to activity 3 here

Next, we look at the map and try to remember the main features mentioned in it. We close the book and we can only use our physical map during the Quiz.

We write number 1 to 5 and we complete the missing words.

QUIZ 5 page 33

Check answers to the Quiz here

Use the rest of the time to start your concept map on page 40 to help you study the unit.

REMEMBER:  Using these links you can play interactive games to practice what we are learning about Europe:





Concept map page 40.

Study Glossary page 41.

Do activities 1, 2, 3 and 4 page 38

lunes, 16 de noviembre de 2020


Monday 16th November 2020

We are finishing UNIT 2. Today we are working on WRITING. We are going to learn how to write questions and answers for an interview.

First we read "Dreams and Heroes" in Class Book Page 29.

We do activities 1, 2and 3 orally.
Then we work in our Activity books. 
We do activities 1 and 2 in the Activity book and activity 3 on a separate paper. 

You are going to be interviewed about a hobby or something that is special about you. Think of what you like about it, people that inspire you, your dream for the future, etc. 

You need to create your questions, pretending you are someone else and  then  answers that are true for you. 

You must write at least 5 questions with their answers. Remember to include an Introduction too, as in the model.

This interview is going to be an important part of your Grade for Writing in Unit 2 Test.


Finish the interview and bring it written neatly on a separate paper for your teacher.
Remember it's part of your Grade


Monday 16th November 2020

We correct homework form last week


See answers Search and Discover

6º B also 

Then we move to the last chapter of this unit: Europe's Coastline. 

We listen and read pages 32 and 33 keeping or physical map nearby.

AUDIO page 32        AUDIO Page 33

We make sure that the main features mentioned in the book are properly labelled on our physical maps.

Using these links you can play interactive games to practice what we are learning about Europe:





Finish your physical Map and glue it to your notebook

Do activities 1 and 2 pages 32 and 33


Lunes 16 de Noviembre de 2020

Hoy continuamos con la Unidad 2 Formamos nuestra PERSONALIDAD.

Comenzamos respondiendo en nuestro cuaderno las preguntas que quedaron pendientes del jueves, página 25: 

Copiar el recuadro rosa

Actividades 4 y 5

Leemos el texto "El desánimo de Marta" y respondemos oralmente a las preguntas.

leemos el resto de la página y reflexionamos sobre el pesimismo, la culpabilidad, la mala suerte... y pensamos si es un rasgo de carácter que podríamos cambiar, si nos lo proponemos, por otros rasgos más optimistas y positivos.

Respondemos en el cuaderno la actividad 9.

Podemos escuchar este cuento

viernes, 13 de noviembre de 2020


Friday 13th November 2020

First, we correct  activities from yesterday:

We are having ENGLISH UNIT 2 TEST on Wednesday 18th 

If we have time, we read our books.


Revise the whole Unit . Special attention to Grammar and Vocabulary..
Do interactive Worksheets 28 and 29 (REVISION before TEST)


Friday 13th November 2020

Today we are going to read pages 36 and 37. SEARCH AND DISCOVER.

Next, we are going to do Activity 4 a) Page 29, and Activity 4 a) Page 31.


Finish Activity 4a) page 29 and Activity 4a) page 31

Do Interactive Worksheet 24

jueves, 12 de noviembre de 2020


CHARLA COVID-19 para niños y familias. 

Semana de la Ciencia. programa Si!

El día 13 de noviembre los alumnos de sexto asistieron a una charla sobre COVID-19 organizada por la Fundación SHE (programa de Salud Integras SI), dentro del programa de la Semana de la Ciencia.
Fue una videoconferencia (webinar) a la que asistieron numerosos centros de toda España. Desde las dos aulas de 6ºA y 6ºB, nuestros alumnos pudieron conocer un poco más a fondo el mecanismo de actuación de este virus y las acciones preventivas que debemos adoptar para mitigar su efecto, combatiendo su propagación.

La charla resultó algo más técnica de lo que esperábamos, pero nuestros alumnos prestaron atención en todo momento. En un papel iban apuntando posibles preguntas para dirigir al ponente a través del foro que aparecía en la pantalla.

En los últimos minutos pudimos participar también en el juego de preguntas mediante Kahoot que se abrió al finalizar la charla. Lamentablemente coincidía con nuestra hora de salida de clase y no pudimos disfrutarlo como nos hubiese gustado. 

Ver galería de imágenes

La ciencia al servicio de la infancia

Los niños y niñas se adaptan a todo, es cierto.

Sin embargo, en ocasiones las personas adultas olvidamos que están ahí, escuchando nuestras conversaciones, sintiendo nuestra preocupación por la incertidumbre y el estrés ante los cambios.

Reciben información y datos, a veces a medias, a veces incongruentes...

Somos conscientes de la enorme labor que la comunidad educativa está haciendo para que niños y niñas entiendan lo que está pasando, y que puedan expresar sus sentimientos y preocupaciones.

Por este motivo compartimos con vosotros esta información en relación a la charla sobre Covid-19 que creemos puede ser una interesante actividad escolar y/o familiar.


Lo que se les dé a los niños, los niños darán a la sociedad.

Karl Augustus Menninger

Esta charla online organizada dentro del marco de la Semana de la Ciencia 2020, por una de las instituciones más cercanas a la Fundación SHE, el Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Cardiovasculares (CNIC), tendrá lugar el viernes 13 de noviembre de 2020 a las 12:00 y tiene el objetivo de que niños y niñas (recomendado a partir de 8 años) puedan comprender todo lo que escuchan a su alrededor de la mano de un especialista.

Para acceder a la charla es necesario que, bien el profesorado, bien los familiares*, se registren desde este link.

Miguel Ángel del Pozo, científico, médico especializado en inmunología, y padre en un cole SI! en Madrid, hablará adaptando su charla a todos los públicos.

Además, al final responderá encantado a las preguntas del público asistente, para que nadie se quede con dudas sobre el coronavirus.

El debate estará moderado por las investigadoras Laura Sotodosos Alonso y María García García.

El equipo del Programa SI! quiere dar las gracias nuevamente a esta institución, y a sus investigadores e investigadoras, por pensar en el público infantil y acercar un mundo tan amplio y complejo a sus intereses y capacidades.


*El registro y acceso a la charla queda restringido a personas mayores de edad, en representación de los menores que quieran asistir, bien sea en una actividad escolar o familiar.