viernes, 29 de enero de 2021


Friday 29th January 2021

First we correct homework and we collect the revision Grammar and Vocabulary handouts.

Today, to celebrate School Day of Non-violence and Peace, we listen this popular song in its original version and a new one created by UNICEF, as we fill in the blanks.

You can download the activities here if you are not in class.

We use the rest of the time to read the books.  This term 6ºA  read The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn and 6ºB will read The Adventures of Tom Sawyer.


GET READY FOR THE TEST Monday 1st February

Do all the activities in Activity Book pages 54 and 55.


Friday 29th January 2021

We take a test today. SOCIAL SCIENCE UNIT 3       Spain in the 19th Century.



Read the directions carefully.

Look at the information closely

Think before you answer. 

Check all your answers before giving it back to your teacher.




Don't forget to include the OBJECTIVES

jueves, 28 de enero de 2021


Thursday 28th January 2021

First we collect homework.

WRITING a REVIEW (draft and Plan)

Next we are going to watch a video about the main contents of the unit.

We watch it twice and then we answer each question as we pause the video.


Finish AB page 53.

Here is the Audio for the SONG 


Thursday 28th January 2021

First we correct homework

6º B takes Quiz page 55. Numbers 1 to 5. Write the missing word.

We use the rest of the  to work and study individually the main aspects of the unit.

  • You can ask any question you may have about the unit.
  • Write 10 definitions from the glossary and exchange them with a partner. Correct and grade your partner.
  • Create a new timeline of the 19th century and locate the main dates you remember from the unit (see activity 3 page 60)

STUDY the Unit thoroughly

DO all the digital activities of the unit in BLINKLEARNING

Watch Animation and Study presentation in Blinklearning


Jueves 28 de Enero de 2021

Hoy vamos a trabajar sobre otro de los sentimientos relacionados con sucesos del pasado que nos ayudan a ser felices: el perdón.

Leemos la página 40 y realizamos las actividades 7, 8 y 9.

Podemos ver este breve cuento.

El día 30 de enero se celebra el El Día Escolar de la No Violencia y la Paz. 

Dedicamos el resto del tiempo a ver estos vídeos con canciones sobre la paz:

miércoles, 27 de enero de 2021


Wednesday 27th January 2021

First we correct homework.

Next, using your plans, you are going to write a review about the option you chose:

  •  a recent school event you may remember
  • a show you attended recently (theatre, circus, concert...)
  • a TV show you've seen recently and you particularly liked 
  • a film you've seen recently and enjoyed.

  • REMEMBER this REVIEW is going to be  an IMPORTANT PART in your WRITING SCORE


    Finish your REVIEW 

    FINISH  Grammar and Vocabulary Revision (handout). 

    If you were not in class you can download the PDF document in this link.


    Wednesday 27th January 2021

    ONLY 6ºA

    First we correct activities from Let's Revise

    We will correct pages 54-55 tomorrow.

    We use today's lesson to work and study individually the main aspects of the unit.

    • You can ask any question you may have about the unit.
    • Write 10 definitions from the glossary and exchange them with a partner. Correct and grade your partner.
    • Create a new timeline of the 19th century and locate the main dates you remember from the unit (see activity 3 page 60)


    See BLOG ENTRY from yesterday

    martes, 26 de enero de 2021


    Tuesday 26th January 2021

    First we read CB page 58 aloud and correct homework.

    Next, we read Class Book page 59 and do activities 1, 2 and 3 in the notebook.

    We pay attention at how to write a review about a show. It is going to be our writing task tomorrow.


    Do activities 1 and 2 on AB page 52

    Using the model on Activity 4 page 52, plan a review of: 
    (Choose one)
          1.  a recent school event you may remember
          2. a show you attended recently (theatre, circus, concert...)
          3. a TV show you've seen recently and you particularly liked 
          4. a film you've seen recently and enjoyed.


    Tuesday 26th January 2021

    First we correct homework

    Then we correct activity  8 page 61. 

    Today we are learning about Spanish art in the 19th century.

    Romanticism: FRANCISCO DE GOYA

    Realism: Ramón Martí i Alsina

    Modernism: Antoni Gaudi

    We read and listen to pages 54, 55

    Other important painter:  Joaquín Sorolla  IMPRESIONISM


    Study pages 54, 55

    Do Activities 1, 2 and 3 pages 54, 55 in the notebook

    Study Glossary page 63

    Copy in your notebook  and fill in the Concept Map on page 62 
    (You can try doing it in Blinklearning first)

    Do Interactive Worksheets 31, 32, 33 Liveworksheets SOCIAL SCIENCE Workbook

    lunes, 25 de enero de 2021


    Monday 25th January 2021

    First we correct homework and collect the Revision Grammar copy.

    Today we are going to read a review about a circus show. Class Book page 58.

    If you are not in class today, you can also follow the text in blinklearning.

    Before we read the text, we think of possible reviews we may have read recently, before or after watching a film or a show. We can also think about Bosque Magazine, where we can read (and write) reviews of the activities we've done throughout the school year.

    Next, we read the text as we listen:


    Do Activities 1, 2, 3 and 4  AB page 50.


    Monday 25th January 2021

    First we correct homework

    Before we finish the unit with a last chapter on Art in the 19th century we are going to revise today the main historical events that we have studied in previous chapters.

    We have a look at activities 3 page 60.  We check:

    We make sure we can find those dates in the timeline we drew at the beginning of the unit. We write the events again in chronological order.

    We will correct activity 8 tomorrow.

    Now we have a quick look at pages 48, 49. We close the book and  and we take a QUIZ. Numbers 1,to 5  A/B questions.

    Next we do the same with pages 50,51. Numbers 1 to 5. True/false questions

    Finally we do the same with pages 52, 53. Numbers 1to 5. Write answers.

    We use the rest of the time to start doing homework.


    Carlist Wars. See blog entry Wednesday 20th January

    We read Search and Discover to find out more about the other two Carlists Wars and we complete a table like this in the notebook.


    Study unit 3

    Check you finished activity 8.

    Do ACTIVITIES 1, 2, 6, and 7 Let's Revise (pages 60, 61)


    Lunes 25 de Enero de 2021

    Hoy vamos a trabajar sobre uno de los sentimientos relacionados con sucesos del pasado que nos ayudan a ser felices: la gratitud.

    Leemos en la página 38 un texto sobre Acción de Gracias, esa celebración americana que hemos trabajado cada año en inglés.

    En la página 39 reflexionamos sobre la importancia de dar las gracias.

    viernes, 22 de enero de 2021

    presentación Segunda reunión trimestral

    El pasado miércoles 20 de enero mantuvimos la segunda reunión trimestral con las familias de los alumnos de 6º con sus tutoras. La reunión tuvo lugar de forma telemática por ZOOM.

    A petición de algunas familias que no pudieron conectarse, os adjuntamos aquí el enlace donde podéis ver la presentación que utilizamos durante la reunión.

    Acceder al PDF de la reunión.

    Buen fin de semana

    Friday 22nd January 2021

    First we correct homework.

    Then we open our Class Book at page 56 for a new Grammar Lesson. We study the use of the present simple for future events, and we also revise some future time phrases.

    We remember the story on pages 54-55 and find examples:

    The chat show finishes in five minutes.
    The performance starts in 5, 4, 3, 2...
    The quiz show finishes at 2:30.

    We do activity 1 orally.

    Then we have a look at the chart and examples in Activity 2.

    We also do activities 3 and 4.

    Here you can see the answers of the activities if you were not in class today.

    If we have time, we play the guessing game in Activity 5.


    Do Activities 1, 2, and 3 on your Activity Book page 48.

    Audio 081 activity 1 AB page 48

    Do Activities 2, 3  AB page 124

    Finish Grammar Revision (page 2 handout) 


    Friday 22nd January 2021

    First we correct homework.

    Answer Key activities pages 50-51

    Today we are going to learn about the late 19th century, a period of great instability in Spain.

    We listen and read pages 52 and 53.

    AUDIO page 52

    AUDIO page 53

    We watch this short video about the reign of Isabel II

    And this one about the First Republic:

    This video summarizes the main events that took place in Spain in the 19th century.

    And we remember the most important dates with this other video:

    HOMEWORK (For Thursday)

    Watch the videos again (pay attention to the most important people, dates and events mentioned).

    Do activities 1,2 and 3 pages 52 and 53

    AUDIO 33 Act.3 page 53

    Finish Activity 3 page 60

    Finish Activity 8 page 61

    STUDY all the chapters we've seen in the unit. Quizzes Monday

    CREATE at least 4 PLICKERS questions about what we've seen in the unit (handout)

    Model for Plickers.PDF


    jueves, 21 de enero de 2021


    Jueves 21 de enero de 2021

    Comenzamos este trimestre de VALORES. recopilando el documento de Frases inacabadas que había que terminar en vacaciones si no lo habíamos entregado antes.  Si alguien quiere compartir algunas de sus ideas con el resto de la clase, podrá hacerlo.

    Recordamos también que antes de vacaciones anotamos en un papel las actividades, lecturas o momentos de clase que más nos gustaron en el primer trimestre y los metemos todos en una caja. Hoy sacaremos algunos de esos papeles y los comentaremos.

    El resto del tiempo lo dedicamos a comenzar la unidad 3

    La Felicidad Personal

    Vemos la página 37, analizamos la fotografía y pensamos en los sentimientos que nos ayudan a ser felices. 

    Creamos una portada para la unidad 


    Thursday 21st January 2021

    Today we are going to see the story on pages 54 and 55.

    First, we think about our favourite TV programmes.

    We learn about different types of TV shows by doing activities 2 and 3 orally.

    Then we have a look at the first three frames and answer the questions in activity 4.

    Next, we listen to the story as we follow the reading in our books.

    We watch the Video of the Story

    We assign characters and we read the story aloud.


    Revise the Grammar and Vocabulary learnt in the unit so far. 

    Read and Watch the story (CB pages 54, 55) again.

    Do Activities 1, 2, and 3 on your Activity Book page 47.


    Thursday 21th January 2021

    First we correct homework.

    Write numbers 1 to 5 for an A/B QUIZ about the Spanish Empire

    Today we are going to learn about the economic and social change that took place during the 19th century.

    We start by watching this video about the Industrial Revolution.

    We listen and Read pages 50 and 51

    For more information about the changes derived form the Industrial Revolution, we can watch these videos too.


    Do activities 1 and 2 pages 50,51

    Do Activity 3 (LISTENING)  page 51  

    Answer question f) in Activity 8 page 61.

    miércoles, 20 de enero de 2021


    Wednesday 20th January 2021

    First we correct homework.

    Then we go to page 124, we look at the explanation and do activity 1.

     You can correct it  HERE  if you are not at school today.

    We  watch this video again to get more familiar with REPORTED Speech in different tenses.

    You get a copy of a GRAMMAR REVISION page. We do only the first page.


    Grammar  Revision Page. Photocopy. (only page 1)

    If you were not in class today, you can download the document in the following link:

    Unit 4 Grammar Revision PDF


    Wednesday 20th January 2021

    ONLY 6º A

    First we correct homework.

    Before moving forward, we have a look at what we have studied in the unit so far about:

    French Revolution

    Napoleon Bonaparte

    Carlos IV,  Godoy, Fernando VII

    War of Independence

    Constitution of 1812

    Carlists Wars

    The Disaster of '98

    We read Search and Discover to find out more about the other two Carlists Wars and we complete a table like this in the notebook.


    Finish the table about Carlist wars

    Create at least four PLICKERS questions about the chapters we have seen so far in the unit.

    martes, 19 de enero de 2021


    Tuesday 19th January 2021

    Videoconference Social Science

    If you can't attend the ZOOM meeting scheduled for your class, follow this blog entry carefully and do all the activities and homework mentioned in it. Do not hesitate to contact me if you have any question.

    Today we are going to learn about how Spain lost its empire during the 19th century.

    We watch this video showing Spanish territories throughout the years since the Middle Ages to nowadays.

    We open our books on pages 48 and 49. We read and listen.

    If you want to learn more about the loss of Spanish Empire you can also this longer video.


    Study chapters already seen (pages 42-49)

    Do activities 1 and 2 pages 48,49

    Do activity 3  (LISTENING) page 49

    Write the date g)  in Activity 3 page 60 of the events mentioned in this chapter. 
    Answer question e) in Activity 8 page 61.

    lunes, 18 de enero de 2021


    Monday 18th January 2021

    Videoconference ENGLISH 

    If you can't attend the ZOOM meeting scheduled for your class, follow this blog entry carefully and do all the activities and homework mentioned in it. 

    Do not hesitate to contact me if you have any question.

    The first thing we are doing is correct Interactive Worksheet 45 (Ir. Verbs Test) you did on Friday.

    Today we have a Grammar Lesson on REPORTED SPEECH, Class Book Page 53. We skipped it last week. 

    Watch this video first  to see what we understand for reported speech.

    Then open your Class Book at page 53. First, listen and read the CHAT ROOM

    Do activities 2, 3 and 5 orally.

    Do activity 4 in the notebook. 

    Here you can check your answers to Class Book activities (in case you are not at school today).



    Revise the Grammar learnt in the lesson. 

    Finish activity 4 (CB page 53) in your notebook

    Do Activities 1, 2, and 3 on your Activity Book page 46.

    viernes, 15 de enero de 2021


    Aplazada nuevamente la vuelta al colegio



    Como sabéis por los medios de comunicación, se ha aplazado nuevamente la vuelta a los colegios para el próximo miércoles 20 de enero, en lugar del lunes 18 que estaba previsto.

    Desde la Dirección del centro nos han pasado un horario para impartir clases de las distintas áreas por videoconferencia (ZOOM) en estos dos días. Se trabajará cada día un área en inglés y otra en español.


    lunes 18

    martes 19


    10:00- 11:00


    Inglés 6ºA


    Science 6ºA


    Lengua 6ºB


    Matemáticas 6ºB


    11:30- 12:30


    Inglés 6ºB


    Science 6ºB


    Lengua 6ºA


    Matemáticas 6ºA

    Espero que hayáis recibido por email las claves de acceso a las reuniones. 

    Nos vemos el lunes. No olvidéis poneros al día en tareas pendientes. Me falta por recibir algunas tareas BLINKLEARNING y Fichas interactivas LiveWorksheets.

    Buen Fin de Semana