viernes, 30 de octubre de 2020


Thursday 30th October 2020

We are celebrating HALLOWEEN in class today.

First we watch a video about Halloween in Britain

Next, we have a look at the jokes and texts we had for homework yesterday and we look for volunteers to act them out.

PRACTISE irregular verbs,  present perfect and past simple
Write a fun and short text about Halloween based on one of the jokes or stories we have read.  
Use the special paper provided in class. If you were not in class  or you prefer to type  your texts, you can open these files and write on them.

Here you have some suggested titles. You can also create your own.

The skeleton that couldn't dance.
Gustav the Ghost wants his dessert.
The witch that tried to ride a vacuum-cleaner
Gloria the ghost needs new shoes.
The broom that was always late.
The very hungry vampire who always stole my snack.
The witch that failed a spelling test.
A witch on the beach....


Friday 30th October 2020

We start a new unit today. 

We are going to learn about Europe. 

In this lesson and in the weekend you are going to:

  • Create a nice cover page for the unit, including the Objectives.
  • Trace a Political Map of Europe on translucent paper including all the countries and its capital cities.
  • Learn all the European countries and their capital cities.

While you work on your maps in silence I can give you your English test with your scores.

Here are some resources that can help you learn capitals and countries in the weekend..


SONG Countries of the World Europe

LINK GAME Locate capitals in a Map


Finish Cover Page

Finish Political Map

Learn all Europe countries and their capitals.

jueves, 29 de octubre de 2020



Tomorrow we are celebrating Halloween in class after the break: 11:50 -14:00.

Before the break we will have our regular lessons.

These videos, created by Dani (técnico), show the decorations at the entrance hall in school and at the hall in 6th Grade. 


VIDEO 6th Grade Hall Spooky Halloween

Let's thank Dani for his good work when we see him tomorrow.

We can see how other groups decorated their doors and hallways by opening this link.


Remember that if you want to wear a costume, it will be only for after the break.

You ought not to wear make up.

Homework will be included in tomorrow's blog entries, but I can advance you today that they will be:


  • Create a nice cover page for the unit, including the Objectives.
  • Trace a Political Map of Europe on translucent paper including all the countries and its capital cities. 
  • Learn all the European countries and their capital cities.


PRACTISE irregular verbs,  present perfect and past simple
Write a fun and short text about Halloween based on one of the jokes or stories we have read.  
Use the special paper provided in class. If you were not in class  or you prefer to type  your texts, you can open these files and write on them.

Here you have some suggested titles. You can also create your own.

The skeleton that couldn't dance.
Gustav the Ghost wants his dessert.
The witch that tried to ride a vacuum-cleaner
Gloria the ghost needs new shoes.
The broom that was always late.
The very hungry vampire who always stole my snack.
The witch that failed a spelling test.
A witch on the beach....

 Vídeos elaborados por vuestras compañeras 

Scarlett y Sofía

Vuestra compañera Scarlett (6º A) ha elaborado un interesante vídeo sobre circuitos eléctricos que ella mism ava construyendo.

Podéis verlo aquí.

Sofía T. (6º A) nos presenta todos los contenidos aprendidos en la unidad, y algún que otro experimento en este otro vídeo lleno de creativas animaciones.

Podéis verlo haciendo click en el enlace



Os animo a todos y a todas a seguir su ejemplo y presentar vuestros trabajos y proyectos voluntarios. Es una fantástica forma de aprender y de ayudar a que todos aprendamos.


Thursday 29th October 2020

First we correct this homework from yesterday.

Next, we have a look at the corrections for TEST UNIT 1 we did last week. We write down our scores in our planners (Agenda). Remember parents must sign them.

Tomorrow we are celebrating HALLOWEEN in our ENGLISH lessons.
Please, read these files with intonation. Tomorrow we will perform them in class.




Thursday 29th October 2020

We take a test today. Natural Science UNIT 15



Read the directions carefully.

Think before you answer. 

Check all your answers before giving it back to your teacher.


Lunes 26 de Octubre de 2020

Terminamos la unidad 1 sobre Tomar decisiones.

Copiamos en el cuaderno el esquema de la página 22.

Utilizamos diferentes colores para el pasado, el presente y el futuro.

miércoles, 28 de octubre de 2020


Wednesday 28th October 2020

First we correct this homework from yesterday.

Next, we open our Class Book at page 22. We read Tomas's answer to the big question: 

'We succeed because we dare to try new things'

Activity 1. We  think about things we are good at and things we would like to get better at.
Copy and complete the table in your notebook with two examples that are right for you.

We listen and read about Tomas's challenge. Activity 2.

Then we do Activity 3  and 4 in the notebook.
Write the expressions from the box as a list and then write the corresponding number according to the pictures in activity 2.
We listen and check   AUDIO 032

Activity 4. Copy the questions in your notebook, read the text again and write the answers.

We will correct Activities 3 and 4 tomorrow, together with AB page 19.

Finally we listen and repeat the dialogue in Activity 5

Activity Book Page 19. 
Do activities 1,2 and 3 in the book, and activity 4 in the NOTEBOOK 


Wednesday 28th October 2020

6ºA (6ºB did it yesterday)

We revise the unit by answering some questions about it using PLICKERS cards. 

We use the rest of the time to check the definitions in the Glossary page 103 and studying the unit on your own.

Feel free to ask any questions you may have about the unit before taking the test tomorrow.

Study the unit for the Test.
Check all the activities in your notebooks and corrections from the blog. Make sure they are all well corrected and that you understand the main concepts of the unit.

martes, 27 de octubre de 2020


Tuesday 27th October 2020

We start a new unit today, Unit 2. The BIG QUESTION this time is:

What makes us Succeed?

First, we open our Class book pages 20 and 21 and look at the photos. We do Activity 1 orally.

Then, we watch this video and do activity 2:

VIDEO Class Book Page 21, Activity Book page 18

Then we do activity 3 and think about the meaning of SUCCEED. We think of different examples of situations when we may have succeeded.

succeed  /səkˈsiːd/
achieve the desired aim or result.
"keep trying and you will eventually succeed"

We copy the big question in the class poster and we think of possible answers to stick on it. (Activity 4)


We succeed when we are motivated. 

We succeed when we are enjoying what we are working on. 

We succeed when we are focused. 

We succeed when we work well together. 

We succeed when there are people who believe in us. When people encourage and support us. 

We succeed when we try really hard....

Finally, we have a look at Activity 5. Talking Point.


Watch the video again and do Activity Book Page 18. activities 1, 2, 3 and 4. 

Here you have the audios:

Audio 028                Audio 029                        Audio 030


Tuesday 27th October 2020

We start with our books closed. We take out or Plickers cards and answer questions about Electricity and Magnetism from the board. Remember your scores will be taking into account for your grades.

Before we correct activities from yesterday (Let's Revise, pages 100-101) we are going to do some other activities in class.

First we do activity 2. We create a Venn Diagram like this.

Then we include these ideas in it   

involve electrons     -      positive and negative charges    -  North and South pole  -

 create  a "field" -   same sign charges repel each other    -     unlike poles attract each other  -

   like poles are repelled -     ferromagnetic materials   -   electric  circuit  - 

 electromagnet    -     electric conductors  -   different sign charges are attracted

We do it all together in class. It should look like this.  

Then you do activities 4, 5 and 7 in your notebook.  Activity 3 is voluntary.

We take the Quiz 9 page 101. Write numbers 1 to 5 and answer the questions.


Finally, we correct all the activities.


Study the whole unit for the test

You may find it useful to watch the STUDY PRESENTATION again


lunes, 26 de octubre de 2020


Monday 26th October 2020

First, we collect your writings (persuasive texts about the environment).

Then we correct this homework from last week. They consisted on practicing for the Cambridge Exams: Reading and Writing. Remember you are doing the Speaking part with Myriam, in pairs.

In class, we do Activity Book page 16 (LISTENING). You will learn what the Listening component of Cambridge examinations look like: 

AUDIO 25        AUDI0 26            AUDIO 27

If we have time we correct it in class. If not, you can correct them as homework.


Create a Cover Page for Unit 2 in your notebook. With OBJECTIVES

Monday 26th October 2020

First we correct activities 1 and 2  from the previous chapter.

Next, we do Activity 3 page 95. Write numbers 1 to 3 in your notebook, listen and write the invention that is being described.

LISTEN Activity 3 page 95

We do QUIZ 5 page 95. Write numbers 1 to 5, then answer YES or NO.


We also correct the CONCEPT MAP page 102

We revise the unit by watching this study presentation:


If you want, AT HOME, you can also watch the presentation in Spanish and get familiar with the main concepts in Spanish too



Do activities 1, 6 and 8 from pages 100 and 101 Let´s Revise.


Lunes 26 de Octubre de 2020

Estamos a punto de terminar la unidad 1 sobre Tomar decisiones.

Comenzamos la sesión de hoy pidiendo voluntarios para leer sus redacciones sobre cómo imaginan su vida dentro de veinte años.

Si alguien lo ha hecho, y quiere compartirlo, puede leer también la carta que escribieron a su yo del futuro.

Abrimos el libro por la página 21 y analizamos las conductas descritas en la actividad 7. Comentamos entre todos las consecuencias que podrían tener.

Acordamos cuál sería la mejor forma de comportarnos en cada caso.

A continuación leemos esta frase sobre el valor del tiempo y la copiamos en el cuaderno.

Lo pasado ha huido, lo que espera está ausente, pero el presente es tuyo

Revisamos otros refranes sobre este tema. Cada uno copia otros dos que le gusten especialmente y con los que esté de acuerdo.


viernes, 23 de octubre de 2020


Friday 23rd October 2020

Today we read one or two more chapters of our books:

6º A THE adventures of tom sawyer

Review what we have read so far, especially in Chapter 5 by looking at the illustrations:

Next we listen to Chapter 6 from the CD that is in the computer.

After listening, we read it in class, a few lines each or assigning characters.


6º B. The adventures of huckleberry finn.

Remember what we know about Huck and especially what happened in the last chapter by looking at the illustrations.


 ClassBook Page 19, activities 1, 2  and 3 in your notebook.
You can do activity 2 and 3 together. Copy the statements, write T otr F, next to them. Then write the heading of the paragraph where you find that information.

Activity Book page 17, activities 1, 2 and 3 


Friday 23rd October 2020

First we read and listen pages 94 and 95. We didn't finish yesterday in 6º A, and we didn't start in 6º A.

We watch a video about MAGLEV trains.

We do Activity 3 page 95 in the notebook. 


Do activities 1 and 2 in your notebook.

If you finish you can:

1. Copy and complete the graphic organiser (concept map page 102).
Have a look at the GLOSSARY, page 103.  Copy five definitions in your notebook without writing the words in green. 
The next day, read the definition and try to write the words without looking in the book.


Study the whole unit  (Test Thursday 29th)
Do the Graphic Organiser page 102 in your notebook
Do Interactive Worksheets 4 and 5 NATURAL SCIENCE 6º 

jueves, 22 de octubre de 2020


Thursday 22nd October 2020

We take a test today. ENGLISH UNIT 1 



Read the directions carefully.

Think  before you  answer. 

Check all your answers before handing out your test.

Correct AB pages 14 and 15 at home by looking at these answer keys.


Thursday 22nd October 2020

First we correct activities from the previous lesson:

We do QUIZ 6 page 93.  Write numbers 1 to 5. Then answer A or B

Then we go to pages 94 and 95 to learn about electromagnets and their use in many inventions such as high speed trains, speakers and microphones.

First we watch a video about electromagnets:


We read and listen pages 94 and 95.    PAGE 94       PAGE 95

We watch a video about MAGLEV trains.

We do Activity 3 page 95 in the notebook. 

Study the chapter.
Do activities 1 and 2 in your notebook.


Jueves 22 de Octubre de 2020

Continuamos en la Unidad 1 Tomamos decisiones.

Hoy nos planteamos imaginas cómo seremos de mayores.

Leemos la experiencia de un profesor inglés que pidió a sus alumnos que escribieran una carta a sí mismos para dentro de veinte años, contando cuáles eran sus esperanzas y sus proyectos.

Hacemos en el cuaderno la actividad 6, con especial atención al apartado b) en que se nos pide una redacción describiendo nuestra vida en 20 años.

De forma voluntaria, quien quiera, puede escribirse una carta a su futuro yo dentro de veinte años, 

Podéis seguir este modelo, adaptándolo

martes, 20 de octubre de 2020

 Vídeo de  Daniel (6ºB) creando circuitos eléctricos

En este enlace podéis acceder al vídeo que vuestro compañero Daniel grabó construyendo circuitos eléctricos. 



Tuesday 20th and Wednesday 21st October 2020

Both 6º A and 6ºB
We check the Grammar Review Page Unit 1 (interactive worksheet)
We practise interrogative sentences (questions) in different verb tenses.

Interactive Worksheets 18 and 19 

6ºA Tuesday, 6º B Wednesday

Today we will focus on WRITING a Persuasive Text. Class Book Page 17 (top) and Activity Book page 14.

In Class Book page 17, we read  the text Turn off the tap! and do activities 1, 2 and 3 orally.

Then we work individually on page 14 Activity Book. 

On a separate paper we write a persuasive text following the directions from AB.

At the same time, in pairs, students will go out to practice Cambridge English Qualifications SPEAKING (CB page 18) with Myriam and/or our language assistant.

6ºB Tuesday, 6ºA Wednesday

We do Lesson 10 Review. Class Book 17 (bottom)  Activity Book 15.

SONG AUDIO AB page 15. Activity 1 fill the blanks

We watch a Video and answer some questions orally about it.

Then we go on doing activities 2, 3 and 4 in Activity Book Page 15.

HOMEWORK for Thursday

Study for the Test
Finish AB page 14, and the writing on a separate paper.
Finish AB 15 (act. 1,2,3,4) 


Tuesday 20th and Wednesday 21st October 2020

6º A and 6º B

First we correct activities from yesterday.

We take a QUIZ about the Earth's magnetic field. We write numbers 1 to 5. Write T (true) or F (false).

Then we move to pages 92 and 93 to learn interesting facts about three scientists that studied the relationship between electricity and magnetism, leading to the concept of Electromagnetism:

Hans Christian Oersted (1777 -1851) Denmark
André-Marie Ampere (1775 -1836) France
Michael Faraday  (1791 -1867) England

We read and listen page 92. 

This video shows Oersted's experience.   LINK to THE VIDEO (CSIC) 

These videos show how we can build electromagnetic rotary devices (motors) similar as those used by Faraday.

We do activity 3 page 93.    LISTEN Act. 3 page 93.

6º B second lesson Tuesday.   6º A Wednesday lesson

We learn about how magnets can generate electricity in power stations  (electrical generators). Read page 93.

Next, we go to page  99 SEARCH and DISCOVER  and we read Oersted's Diary. We do Activity 4 in the notebook.

This video (in Spanish) tells us a little more about Oersted and Ampere.

HOMEWORK for Thursday

Read the chapter again
Watch the videos we have not seen in class.
Do activities 1 and 2 in your notebook.